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Each month you’re going to get 8 models on the Marvel side, distributed as the following: 2 sculptures of the MCU (Marvel Cinematographic Universe), 1 Famous character, and 1 Rare character based on the Marvel comics! Each of them is accompanied by the respective bust. Also, on top of that, you will get 4 models of Movies or video games: 2 sculptures and 2 busts!

Each month you get 2 sculpture and 2 bust based on Comic’s Superheroes per month + the promo term (2 sculptures + 2 busts). Also we have Wicked surprises each month!

Each month you get 2 Sculptures, 2 Busts, 1 Droid, and 1 Lightsaber month, based on the Star Wars universe + Welcome Pack + Promo Term


As you can expect, our models are download through a link! The link goes to a platform called Gumroad, where we have our main store for our patreon. There you will be able to access the models with the respective link, which had a discount applied and will let you download your models for FREE.

Inside of each Gumnroad link, you can find the following zip files:  – Non supported zip file: It has the STL for you to put your own supports!!!

Also, you will find a folder called “FULL PIECES” where you will find combined pieces of the model like: Full base, Upper Body, Lower body and such! Ideal for the dudes with big printers, who wants to minimize the post process in the models.

One Pieces: The files which are gonna make your minis way easier! They consist in the model divided in: Sculpture, base, and accessories! Few pieces so you can just scale and print up quick and easy!

Images: The Model’s images in case you need them for your shop!

X Poses: 3D files where we show the X pose of the model, so you know how to assemble it!

Pre-supported Chitubox: Pre-supported version of the pieces editable in Chitubox software, in case you wanna make modifications to the supports!

Pre-supported STL: Pre-supported files in STL format for you to use in different slicers! Load, and print the Magic!


All our models can be printed in any material, just make sure to have the proper configuration in your machine for it. Normally, our patreons prefer a combination of both: Resin to catch all the details in the models, and FDM for the bases. That way they can save some materials and optimize the budget!

For our FDM users, we invite you to check our Wicked Facebook group, to see the magic that our community perform in filament! And our best advice, tune up the best quality in your machines, because the Wicked models are full of textures and small details that will blow your mind, amigos!  Also, don’t be afraid to experiment with clear resin, leds and other power ups!

Usually, our models take that voodoo into consideration for the design, so we can take the most of each character!  If you do not know how to use any of these, don’t be shy and ask in our FB group, we are 100% sure you will get any answer you need there!


Sometimes, the Gumroad links doesn’t show you the correct discount and doesn’t let you download your models. When that happens, here you can find the options you have to get your precious loot!

  1. Sometimes is just that you try to open the links too fast and these just bugs, and doesn’t show the discount on them. Please try to open the links and giving them some seconds between one and the next, that most of the times will solve your issue! If thisdoesn’t work, please try the following options.
  2. Press Shift + F5 and try to download again.
  3. Try opening an incognito window in your browser, and paste the links there.
  4. If the option above doesn’t work, can you please try with another email?

Hope these works for you!! We will be ready to help you out in any way we can, so relax, try the steps above and and let us know how it goes!


Since June 2021, all our models comes pre-supported for Resin printers!!! Our pre-supported files comes into two formats: Chitubox and STL.  – The Chitubox file is editable in the Chitubox Slicer! Chitubox is our weapon of choice when comes to slicers, that’s why we offer our dudes a native chitubox file of our supports, in case you want to edit them!  – The STL files are pre-supported in chitubox, but exported as STLs so you can use them in other slicers! Still, we strongly recommend to use chitubox to print our pre-supported files. It’s the slicer where you’re gonna have most success ratio in Wicked!

The Pre-supported files are made with the configuration that works out for our printers. Please remember that every printer is completely different, and there are hundreds of different settings to make a successful print. That’s why the pre-supported files MUST be checked and complemented in any way you feel necessary! We encourage you to check them and add/remove any supports you feel necessary. Once you get the hang of it, it will work as a charm!


1. If you’re a new subscriber you will be charged as soon you subscribe to us! For that payment, you will get the Welcome pack and the current Monthly term!!! You can check the Patreon description to see what the current line up!

2. After your subscription, you will be billed on the 1st of each month! For that payment, you will get the newest term, released in the next days of that month. The new term will be released around the 5th of each month. That day we will be sending a new message with the links to download and the info about the release. Also, we will make a post on Patreon so everyone in our community notices the newest models!


Normally, our terms are released starting by the 5th of each month. We have several release dates, due to the high amount of models we need to deliver, so please be patient! We will let you know the dates of the drops each month.   If for some reason you do not get the Patreon message in your inbox, please let us know! We will be ready to send the term your way, amigos!

Normally, our terms are released starting by the 30th of each month. If for some reason you do not get the Patreon message in your inbox, please let us know! We will be ready to send the term your way, amigos!

Normally, our terms are released starting by the 31st of each month. If for some reason you do not get the Patreon message in your inbox, please let us know! We will be ready to send the term your way, amigos!


Print any of our models, paint them, and share them on ANY social media! Then send us a screen where you share it and voila! You can ask for a FREE new model to continue your printing streak!!! Just write us a pm on our Facebook page, with the screen attached and the name of the model you would like, and we will send your new and shiny model as soon as we can!


In our country, celebrating a birthday is pretty important us. So we want to extend it to all our Wicked people!!! On your special day, you can ask for a free model from Wicked, B3DSERK, or Star Wars 3D Models!

You just need to write us on FACEBOOK and send us a photo of any document where it’s the date of your birthday, and we will be more than happy to send your Wicked gift!


Yes, dudes! It’s time to show how much appreciate your permanence with us! If you are subscribed to our glorious Patreon and stay for 3 consecutive months, you can write us here on Patreon and ask for a complete term of ANY of our patreons for FREE!!! Just let us know which model you want in your PM, and we will send the complete term that you like! The term can be of any of our patreons: Wicked, B3DSERK, or Star Wars 3d Models


Do you have an issue with a piece? Or do you have a request for the Wicked team? Say no more! Our channels are available 24/7 for anything you need from us! We will try to answer and help as soon as we can, my dear amigos!!!

Our primary and best way to get a quick answer is our beloved Patreon:


We have a pretty kick-ass Loyalty reward system, where we thank you EACH month you have been subscribed with new and wonderful models to keep your printers going non–stop! 24/7, 4 weeks a month, and all year long, baby! Check the details in the following link.


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contact us here

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