As you can expect, our models are download through a link! The link goes to a platform called Gumroad, where we have our main store for our patreon. There you will be able to access the models with the respective link, which had a discount applied and will let you download your models for FREE.

Inside of each Gumnroad link, you can find the following zip files:  – Non supported zip file: It has the STL for you to put your own supports!!!

Also, you will find a folder called “FULL PIECES” where you will find combined pieces of the model like: Full base, Upper Body, Lower body and such! Ideal for the dudes with big printers, who wants to minimize the post process in the models.

One Pieces: The files which are gonna make your minis way easier! They consist in the model divided in: Sculpture, base, and accessories! Few pieces so you can just scale and print up quick and easy!

Images: The Model’s images in case you need them for your shop!

X Poses: 3D files where we show the X pose of the model, so you know how to assemble it!

Pre-supported Chitubox: Pre-supported version of the pieces editable in Chitubox software, in case you wanna make modifications to the supports!

Pre-supported STL: Pre-supported files in STL format for you to use in different slicers! Load, and print the Magic!

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